Monday, September 1, 2008

Moving update

Since I posted my moving woes earlier, I thought you deserved an update.

We have spent the last weeks going thru 9 years worth of stuff we never use. We make 3 piles: garbage, donate, and save it. Fortunately darling husband and I are on the same page...if we haven't touched it in the last two years... pitch it.

Ted started a big ole bonfire I'm talking flames 20 foot high in the air. I must admit, I'm not much of a saver so seeing half broken, wore out, good for nothing junk burn away to ashes was kinda fun.

We will be moving the weekend before Bible study starts. We are downsizing, so now is truly the time to weed out the "stuff" we just don't need.

The new "hood" is right in the town of DeMotte, and a young pastor and his wife live on the other side. I am looking forward to meeting them! Completely unlike the farm house we live in currently, the new place is newly remodeled. New carpet, tile, paint, trim, doors, bathroom fixtures, furnace, a/c, hot water heater, water softner, kitchen cabinets and appliances....I'm talking NEW people new everything. What will Ted do with his time when he doesn't have to fix leaky sinks, old electric and ancient plumbing?!

I will miss this big ole farm, but I will not miss mowing the grass. I will miss the hardwood floors, but I will not miss the dust bunnies in every corner. I will miss the 4 inch trim around every window and door frame, but I will not miss spending the whole day cleaning them with murphy's oil soap.

It will be a fresh start and the downsizing is all part of Ted's master plan. He has always joked that as soon as all the kids moved out we would live in a studio apartment and drive a 2 seater car. Poor guy went straight from being a bachelor to having a family of five. Straight from a world of boating, motorcycle riding and driving one of those big trucks with big tires, to attending school plays and reading bedtime stories, hey in my defense at least he never had to drive a mini van! And he never missed a beat, he slid into the daddy role in the blink of an eye.

Ted and I met, and literally, I fell in love with him that very moment. So the first night we met we had this deep conversation going, and I just blurted it out, "You probably don't want to keep being nice to me, because I already have 2 kids." He laughed out loud. He said, "If they are anything like you, I can't wait to meet them too." Awwww! We were engaged 12 days later, that was 15 1/2 years ago.

So, I guess he's right, we'll probably actually enjoy the empty nest. I see already with my college daughter Carmen that once they hit that certain age, cutting the apron strings is not only good but neccesarry for them to become independant adults, which really is the goal of parenting them well, right?

So I guess I've stalled going thru more basement clutter long enough. Once I figure out what my new address is I'll let you know and I expect some visits! No one visits me now b/c my house is hidden by a corn field 4 months out of the year, but now there will be no excuse!

1 comment:

Kathy VT said...

Wish I could've seen those flames and gotten a "bonfire burn" again!!
Hope you saved some stuff for the infamous "yard sale"!!! :) Try to enjoy the purging process. It's nice to scale back to a degree and know what you have!
Hope all goes well and I can't wait to hear more about how moving day went.
Have a great week, Cath!