Monday, September 29, 2008


Anyone else out there like me...kinda missing the nightly homework part of WIW? I didn't want to start the homework too early....I'll be 40 this year, and my memory.......ugh.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I was home today...

A review of the week for this Woman in the Word:

Tuesday night I met with my new sisters at 7 pm. Shock of all shocks came when nearly all 18 or so of the members of this night group had all 5 days of their homework done. Praise the Lord!

This is the 3rd year of WIW's existence, and already it is such a sweet year. Women seem very focused this year, to absorb every word of scripture, and to leave no stone un turned. The first meeting of both the day and night groups, found me struggling with the thought that our Bible study might be seen as a "gimmick" or a ploy.

God has answered that question in my heart with a resounding NO child, these women are here to seek God's presence, the excitement of the first week's Bible readings and the probing "heart" (we got flames and hearts this year Kath) questions got every last one of us thinking and sharing. So sweet.

Okay, back to Tuesday night. I love this group. First of all, they are like me...working women. The first week I asked if they wanted me to make coffee for our study time, "NO" they said, "keep it simple!" ahhhh my kind of women!

So after a day of work, with more work ahead the next day, and for many a work load still waiting for them when they get home, we arrive at church, probably tired, stressed, it's the end of a long day, I'm sure you all know that feeling. But once we start discussing, the fire ignites, and women are sharing and questioning and we are reading scripture, and it is sooooo goood.

I have inherited the Wednesday morning leader job, and at times I feel incredible pressure to deliver something great. Fortunately God knows my heart and uses all of you to remind and encourage me that this study is about God, not about Cathy.

I was most impressed on Wednesday morning with our big group prayer time. Listening to the women praise God for his character is so inspiring. My heart was so full by the time we got to our small group discussion time, I could have floated away.

As I sat with the women who were with me on the very first lesson of my very first facilitating adventure this morning, I could just feel God's love thu these women. I looked around at one point and felt like shouting out to God THANK YOU for these women. Truly for me, this is a taste of what heaven will be like. I was sad when our time together ended all too soon (yes Kath, I let them out late, and we had barely gotten to day 3...goodness!)
Another favorite moment of the morning was when a new believer in the group related how exciting it was to her when she ran across Bible verses that she knew from singing praise songs at church. That statement led to a conversation about prasie songs vs. hymns. At that point one of the women ran into the sanctuary and grabbed a psalter hymnal. She showed the new believer how the first 100 songs in the hymnal were the first 100 Psalms in the Bible. Cool stuff. She turned to one of the hymns, she read it's title and what Psalm the hymn represented and then those of us who knew that hymn from memory just sang it. Right then and there.

Father God....what a GIFT you have given us thru our precious friend Kathy Vander Tuig. WIW is a product of Kathy's hard work and determination to start a women's study. Father I thank you for my friend, and I ask you to bless her in the study she attends way across the country. May she find her sisters there, and as always we know she will grow closer to you through the time she spends in your word. For me, Father, small group discussion time is just a little taste of heaven...for those moments, I can't think of a place I'd rather be. Praise you God for your pursuit of us, for the fact that you overcome a lot of obstacles that stand in the way of our participation in studying your word. Thank you for your presence among us. Thank you for your Son who wore MY crown of thorns on the cross. Amen.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Where are you?

God asked Adam and Eve this question in the garden after they had eaten the forbidden fruit and were hiding.

God knew where they were, but he was getting them to take stock of their situation...

This will be the focus of our discussion this week, so start thinking now, where are you, do you see how God has pursued you into this Bible study at this time in your life? Will you be willing to share what God is doing in your life with the group?

For the Tuesday night ladies, we are a new group, but I feel nothing but JOY for each of you, as I pray for you, I find myself saying things like "this woman is a dear friend to me already" and "this woman has so much to bring to the table!" I thank God that what I wanted; a small intimate study with a few women on Tuesday night has bloomed into a bigger group of women...I can't imagine the group without any of you!

Most everyone I spoke with during the week has talked about a struggle in their lives recently. Let's face it, you can't turn on the tv without hearing some bad news about our economy. Some women are dealing with serious issues with their children. There is dischord in some families and trouble brewing in our extended families.

Do you want to hear the good news? Just like Beth Moore talked about in the video, God has pursued you to be in this Bible study at this moment in time, he knows your needs before you do.

Praise Him that more women are calling to find out about the study. Praise Him for carving time out of our days to spend in His word. Praise Him that He knows where we are, and wants to meet us where ever that is RIGHT NOW!

See ya'll in a bit!

Friday, September 19, 2008

How's it going?

I just started day 3 on my homework...not to guilt those of you who haven't started yet or anything LOL!

Oh how I have missed digging thru the Bible and saying ahhhhhh. On day one the connection between thorny plants coming in the perfect garden of Eden at the moments of the first sin, and then the crown of thorns placed on Jesus' head as he was sacrificed for ugly sin, and the sacrifice of an innocent animal to cover Adam and Eve with skin once they realized they were naked, as related to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for our sins... that stuff takes my breath away.

Did you guys love that word picture...the angels holding their breath after Jesus asked that the crown of thorns be removed, and God told him no. The pain of that moment...

I pray it is as inspiring for you as it has been for me already.

Can't wait for Tues/Wed to hear what God is showing each of you thru the study.

Keep doing your homework ladies!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today is the big day!

Well it's finally here, tonight we start WIW! How exciting!

My only prayer for this group and this study is that it is more than acquiring more head knowledge, that God be present in our group, and change our hearts into who He would have us become.

A funny thing happened...a friend reminded me of the book Fresh Wind Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. I had read it before, but decided to read it again, so I put it on my to-do list I'll admit, it was pretty low on the list.

Sunday I led an adult sunday school class that met right next to the library, so I ran in and Marilyn pointed me right to the book. I brought it home and set it on my desk. Mind you, we just moved, and so there is a lot of stuff I need to deal with on and in that desk. I wondered if I'd even get it started before it's due date 2 weeks from now.

Then, a funny thing happened. Monday morning I woke up sick. I'm talking lay on the couch sick. The kids had the day off from school and my sweet daughter Ashley woke up, and offered to go into work for me so I could "chill". Awesome. While laying on the couch feeling pretty sorry for myself, b/c I really don't have time for illness right now...I spotted the book on my desk, and layed there on that couch, and read that whole book in one day (it's not a long one).

The book is Jim Cymbala's story as the preacher at The Brooklyn Tabernacle. It is a fascinating story of how God works in that urban setting.

It would take this entire page to explain what I am got out of the book and his story, but I will just say I woke up this morning feeling better (Thank you God!) and at the same time, I had a pit in my stomach. I was thinking...I just don't want this to be another old Bible study where we sit around and gain more knowledge in our brains. I kept thinking, what can I DO to make it more than that.

Then I read an email from my buddy Kathy Vander Tuig, and it said, "If you invite God to be among you, there's no telling what he might do!! I'm BELIEVING HIM for that!" Isn't that all we can do, is invite God to be there, ask Him to change what needs changing?!

Father in Heaven you have already been working in hearts to get us signed up for WIW Bible study. You have called each member to come for your reasons. Now we cry out to you, for your presence. We know that only you can soften the hearts that need it, only you can break down barriers that need to be broken, only you can change in us what needs to be changed. We are believing you right now for that. You are so big, you are so great and so amazing, and we are so excited to watch you work in our lives! We love you.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Do you miss these guys as much as I do?!

How do I discern...

This was the question asked of me today during a phone call with a friend. She called because she remembered hearing, during our "Loving Well" session of WIW last year, that sometimes God is using a "testy" person in your life to change something with you. (I'm cracking up just remembering the "testy" description!)

Her question was, how do you discern if that is the case, that something in you needs changing, especially when testy is someone who lives with you, and you are called to love them. At some point can she stop looking inward? Does she need to simply accept that testy is testy and that is how it's going to be?


I'm thinking that, in all situations it would be wiser for us to look at ourselves first instead of blaming or finger pointing. But it is a good question! I think my friend's conclusion was that she would look to God for love and the support she needs when she wasn't getting it from her testy. Smart woman.

Two seconds after I hung up I wished that I had said to her PRAY FOR IT PRAY FOR IT PRAY FOR IT pray over the situation and never give up hope.

What would you all have said? Don't be shy here...I want to hear what all my sisters in the Word have said, and be free flowing with scripture support please!

Father in heaven we know that you use everything in our lives for your glory. We know that you are in control, and your plan is The One and Only Plan, even when we can't see the why of everything that is going on in our lives. You know the hurt that comes with feeling rejected and unloved, I ask you Father to soften the heart of the "testy" in my friend's life, and fill her heart with the love and acceptance that she needs when she needs it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Praise Him!

There are almost 50 names on the list for the 2 sessions of WIW bible study this fall, and some of the people who've talked to me aren't even on the list yet! Praise God that so many women are seeking Him thru this study.

I am so anxious to get started, I gave us a 2 week buffer after the kick start of all the other fall programs, as I know many of the study attendees are GEMS leaders and Faith Walker's teachers etc. I thought we'd give them a chance to settle into their usual routines, but now I'm just itching to get at it!

I have to share with you guys. Even during the first year Kathy started WIW Bible study, I could see a need for a night session, but there was no way I would venture out and be in charge of a night session.

Then last year, the results of our study Believing God....well, it changed some of our lives didn't it?! I know it changed mine. I will never stop beingn amazed at the way God can change MY HEART. I often hear myself saying things before I even think, that surprise me. If a friend is facing a difficult challenge, instead of venting with them, or looking for a place to lay blame over it, I'll find myself pulling something from believing God. Maybe it will be that God is trying to change something in you, or that God uses everything in our lives for a purpose, and we won't neccessarily see what that purpose was on this side of the grave, but having faith means we believe Him anyway.

This study is not about knowledge it is about relationship, and I think that is why so many women are signed up. Women I talk to are worn out of trying to be superwoman, we long to find peace and rest in God. As I look over the list of names for each study, I am giddy with the dynamics of the groups. There are 60+ year old names, and 20 somethings, and a bunch of us in between. Oh how we will share experiences, and the excitement of the new believers rubs off on the lifetimers....I'm so excited!

Okay, so back to what I wanted to share, I prayed about an evening session of WIW. My prayer was for a nice small study. I thought maybe 6 women would sign up. I know there are lots of women who work and can't come to the day session, but still, I was praying for a small intimate group, and so far the sign up sheet has more names on the night list than on the day. It's tempting to panic, but I refuse. God is giving me a spirit of enthusiasm for this study, and giving me the confidence to say, I am not afraid. I will rest in Him, He will provide whatever we need.

So I'm not getting what I wanted, but I've finally learned that God knows better than I do what is good for me, and for us. Praise Him for increasing our numbers, and may He continue to bless this study as we grow in relationship with Him.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Moving update

Since I posted my moving woes earlier, I thought you deserved an update.

We have spent the last weeks going thru 9 years worth of stuff we never use. We make 3 piles: garbage, donate, and save it. Fortunately darling husband and I are on the same page...if we haven't touched it in the last two years... pitch it.

Ted started a big ole bonfire I'm talking flames 20 foot high in the air. I must admit, I'm not much of a saver so seeing half broken, wore out, good for nothing junk burn away to ashes was kinda fun.

We will be moving the weekend before Bible study starts. We are downsizing, so now is truly the time to weed out the "stuff" we just don't need.

The new "hood" is right in the town of DeMotte, and a young pastor and his wife live on the other side. I am looking forward to meeting them! Completely unlike the farm house we live in currently, the new place is newly remodeled. New carpet, tile, paint, trim, doors, bathroom fixtures, furnace, a/c, hot water heater, water softner, kitchen cabinets and appliances....I'm talking NEW people new everything. What will Ted do with his time when he doesn't have to fix leaky sinks, old electric and ancient plumbing?!

I will miss this big ole farm, but I will not miss mowing the grass. I will miss the hardwood floors, but I will not miss the dust bunnies in every corner. I will miss the 4 inch trim around every window and door frame, but I will not miss spending the whole day cleaning them with murphy's oil soap.

It will be a fresh start and the downsizing is all part of Ted's master plan. He has always joked that as soon as all the kids moved out we would live in a studio apartment and drive a 2 seater car. Poor guy went straight from being a bachelor to having a family of five. Straight from a world of boating, motorcycle riding and driving one of those big trucks with big tires, to attending school plays and reading bedtime stories, hey in my defense at least he never had to drive a mini van! And he never missed a beat, he slid into the daddy role in the blink of an eye.

Ted and I met, and literally, I fell in love with him that very moment. So the first night we met we had this deep conversation going, and I just blurted it out, "You probably don't want to keep being nice to me, because I already have 2 kids." He laughed out loud. He said, "If they are anything like you, I can't wait to meet them too." Awwww! We were engaged 12 days later, that was 15 1/2 years ago.

So, I guess he's right, we'll probably actually enjoy the empty nest. I see already with my college daughter Carmen that once they hit that certain age, cutting the apron strings is not only good but neccesarry for them to become independant adults, which really is the goal of parenting them well, right?

So I guess I've stalled going thru more basement clutter long enough. Once I figure out what my new address is I'll let you know and I expect some visits! No one visits me now b/c my house is hidden by a corn field 4 months out of the year, but now there will be no excuse!