Friday, September 19, 2008

How's it going?

I just started day 3 on my homework...not to guilt those of you who haven't started yet or anything LOL!

Oh how I have missed digging thru the Bible and saying ahhhhhh. On day one the connection between thorny plants coming in the perfect garden of Eden at the moments of the first sin, and then the crown of thorns placed on Jesus' head as he was sacrificed for ugly sin, and the sacrifice of an innocent animal to cover Adam and Eve with skin once they realized they were naked, as related to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for our sins... that stuff takes my breath away.

Did you guys love that word picture...the angels holding their breath after Jesus asked that the crown of thorns be removed, and God told him no. The pain of that moment...

I pray it is as inspiring for you as it has been for me already.

Can't wait for Tues/Wed to hear what God is showing each of you thru the study.

Keep doing your homework ladies!

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