Monday, September 22, 2008

Where are you?

God asked Adam and Eve this question in the garden after they had eaten the forbidden fruit and were hiding.

God knew where they were, but he was getting them to take stock of their situation...

This will be the focus of our discussion this week, so start thinking now, where are you, do you see how God has pursued you into this Bible study at this time in your life? Will you be willing to share what God is doing in your life with the group?

For the Tuesday night ladies, we are a new group, but I feel nothing but JOY for each of you, as I pray for you, I find myself saying things like "this woman is a dear friend to me already" and "this woman has so much to bring to the table!" I thank God that what I wanted; a small intimate study with a few women on Tuesday night has bloomed into a bigger group of women...I can't imagine the group without any of you!

Most everyone I spoke with during the week has talked about a struggle in their lives recently. Let's face it, you can't turn on the tv without hearing some bad news about our economy. Some women are dealing with serious issues with their children. There is dischord in some families and trouble brewing in our extended families.

Do you want to hear the good news? Just like Beth Moore talked about in the video, God has pursued you to be in this Bible study at this moment in time, he knows your needs before you do.

Praise Him that more women are calling to find out about the study. Praise Him for carving time out of our days to spend in His word. Praise Him that He knows where we are, and wants to meet us where ever that is RIGHT NOW!

See ya'll in a bit!

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