Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jesus lives to intercede for us...

"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them Hebrews" 7:25 NIV

"Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" Hebrews 7:25 KJV

Whether you are in the Tues night group, or the Wed morning group, you will want to clear your schedule to see the video teaching of Heb 7:25 this week.

I usually don't watch the dvd in advance, but something this morning just prompted me to watch it while I got ready for work, and I am so glad that I did.

For me, it is the most meaningful lesson of this study...and wow there have been powerful lessons already. I am so good at asking God "WHY???" In the last few weeks I shared a situation I was dealing with and thru that mess, I was asking God in my prayers, "Why God why do you let people with drug addictions get pregnant and bring babies into this world????....Why and why do you put these people with all this mess into my path??? WHY????"

Through the video teaching this week, I have a better understanding and peace over the why of every single thing. On the one hand I believe God made me this way, and it is partly my nature to ask questions, on the other hand, am I not believing that God's plan for me is in my best interest? Do I really mean it when I pray "Your will be done?" or are those just words?!

I can't wait to discuss this video with you all tonight/tomorrow. Until then, I ask that God would break down the barriers that stand in the way of us getting together, and that He would open our hearts and our minds to what He needs to teach us thru this lesson.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart

Does Community Church put on an awesome Women's retreat, or what?!

Picture pink and brown "kid in a candy shop" theme. Adorable decorations
Imagine a "Sunday dinner" menu; pot roast, mashed potatoes and green beans. Yum.
And a speaker who kept us laughing the whole day with her funny stories and jokes. Truth be told, some of the stories in and of themselves weren't very funny, but Glenna Salsbury finds the joy in all things.

What I appreciated most about Glenna Salsbury was her honesty, and the one thing that keeps ringing in my head is that "Jesus FINDS us!" The parables of the pearl and the treasure in the field were so key to knowing who we are in Christ; sought out, bought with a price, treasured forever. Praise Him.

All of you from WIW know that Gayle De Vries has been struggling with some health issues, but you wouldn't have known it to see her on Saturday. She looked wonderful in her pink jacket, and was just as charming and sweet as always. A mere 3 days earlier after study I told my husband I didn't think she'd be able to pull it off. Wednesday Gayle looked tired, and worn out, but Saturday found her chipper, and bright. Surely God carried her thru the day, and gave her the strength and we are so thankful for that!

Pray for extra blessings for all those hard workers of the retreat committee. They really put more work into that day than anyone ever should, but the results are great, women are blessed and feel special, and God teaches us thru the guest speaker, and hearts are filled with Joy as a result.

On Friday I had given my ticket for the retreat to my mom. After a plea on the previous Sunday for workers, I had decided to serve instead, but each member of the committee encouraged me to sit down and enjoy the day. Thank you for that. I sure did enjoy the day, even though it took quite some time for me to sit still without feeling like I should be doing something. And thank you to Lynae Dykstra too, who, while we were greeting, told me to stop being ridiculous and to relax and enjoy the day. I'm not so good at that, and I really appreciated the nudge to relax. In return I got to give Patty Roodzant the same nudge. She's really bad at relaxing and letting someone else do the work, but I think she finally managed to settle in to the idea also.

Joy is contagious, start spreading some around today. Remember you were bought for a price, isn't that reason enough to be joyful?!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Apparently President Obama mentioned Tonya Harding while on the campaign trail in December. He stated that he wasn't going to pull a "Tonya Harding" on Hillary Clinton just to win the state of Iowa.

In case you lived in a cave back in 1994, Tonya Harding was an olympic figure skater who had a hand in the attack on her figure skating rival Nancy Kerrigan, hiring a couple of thugs to club her in the knee before her performance.

Yesterday I caught the end of an interview with Tonya Harding who was quite bitter about the president talking about her. She spoke through gritted teeth and squinted her eyes while railing the president for using her name when the country is in financial crisis. She felt he should have more important things to do than to bring her name up again.

She was practically spewing venom saying things like "how long do I have to pay for my mistakes" and "how much punishment do you want me to endure".

She's obviously still bitter some 15 years later. How sad. What a different life she could lead could if she would just confess to wrong doing, ask for and accept forgiveness, then move on.

Easy to say when one knows God. In God we have someone to confess our sins to. We can just get on our knees at anytime and tell our Father God how we have sinned. And because Jesus already paid the price for that very sin, we can ask forgiveness, and then we can live in the knowledge that God forgives our every sin, and covers us with grace thru His Son.

The world is not full of grace for sinners. The world seems to enjoy watching someone fall on their face. I think maybe it makes us feel better about our own mistakes when we can look at someone else and point out their faults.

I imagine Tonya Harding is sick to death and tired of being the butt of jokes, and now even the president of the United States has made fun of her by name. I can picture the Obama speech writer thinking "here have the president elect say Tonya Harding because it will help him relate to 40 year olds who remember the Tonya Harding incident!" good one.

Tonya Harding's wound has obviously not been healed, from her demeanor during the interview I saw yesterday, her wound is gaping and bleeding 15 years after the original blow. I remember reading that she was suffering from alcohol addiction some years ago. One could guess she tries to address her pain by dulling it with booze, but that does nothing to heal her original wound.

There is hope for Tonya. No one is beyond God's reach. This has served as a reminder for me, to be thankful that I have a God who forgives my sins and heals my self inflicted wounds. Without Him the wound festers and the blood flows, and it hurts forever and bitterness reigns.

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:13

Thursday, February 12, 2009

hard lessons

I am convinced that there are a certain type of people who wake up each morning determined to make everyone in their path miserable.

Before they open their mouth, the look on their face tells the story; the scowl, the creased forehead, the squinty eyes.

Now I'm not talking about the kind of person who has the occassional bad day or the one who sees the cup as half empty. I'm talking the one who, no matter how sweetly a store clerk might speak to her, can not find nice words to say back.

Well today a woman that falls into the category described above, graced me with her presence. I'm telling you, she was just looking for a fight, and she almost got one.

Let me tell ya, miss crabby pants sure got under my skin today. Twenty nice people can say all nice things, but the words of that one unpleasant person can stick with you all day long! I vented to my poor husband via text message, and he sent one back, it said, "Think of the 200 nice things ppl have said, and remember me and Jesus love u."

Awwww! And then it hit me, oh yeah, that sermon series, yuck I can not and will not forgive crabby lady...she's undeserving! No, we're called to forgive....everyone. And in reality I got pretty snippy with her so I probably could apologize myself.

God sure asks us to live up to big things, doesn't He? I so want to make exceptions to the rule...my mind thinks even Jesus would get annoyed with that lady!!!!

So, I've asked God to help me forgive even crabby pants, and while I was praying I found myself praying for her, asking God to heal whatever inside her makes her so bitter toward the world. Wow that sure feels better than the stewing I had been doing over her unkindness.

God calls us to forgive, he gives us the forgiveness in our hearts, even when we can't muster it on our own, and then peace follows. God's methods are so good and so right!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I know so much more, than back when I knew it all...

The only station I can get in my shop is a country station, and I just got done listening to a song that had the title of this blog post in it's lyrics. I like it.

Before I even begin this post, it must be said, that I am open to other ideas, and even to those who are in complete disagreement with me on the subject.

Ted and I spent the better part of our marriage bouncing from church to church. Each time we got comfortable something happened that we didn't like. The minute we didn't like something we would use it as an excuse to not attend a church regularly. We were slackers, and we thought church should be all about us.

I know so much more, than back when I knew it all.

Finally God began to take over our selfish hearts, and as we continue to mature spiritually, we are realizing more and more that "church" is not about us at all, it is about God and God alone.

Every church has it's style, and many churches are adopting "mission statements". At Community, we've chosen "Celebrating Christ, Restoring Community" as our "tagline" or our mission statement. To my understanding,even as Community church was conceived the goal was to reach out to the Roselawn community, to those who do not know God.

So what does that mean to those of us who choose to worship regularly in an outreach minded church?

So often worship style and music is at the center of controversy. I remember my parents having discussions about the new Psalter vs the old, and back even further than that, I know that some folks from the "Old Country" were upset when the church started to sing songs in English instead of the familiar Dutch they were used to.

On Sunday we Celebrated Christ with "New music Sunday". We were finishing up our "Live Like You Were Dying" small group series. Our young director of arts and worship explained that the praise group that would be singing, was a small group that met out of a common love for God and music.

The group had lots of guitars and played a much louder and rock and roll version of praise music than most of us are used to hearing in church. These young people are very gifted musically, and for me, it was great to see them praising God in thier style of music. I did realize that I am getting old, because the volume did seem loud to me...when did that happen?!

Anyway, maybe it's because I have a twenty something and teenaged children that I understand how, what seems like loud screeching noise to some people, can be a beautiful expression of praise for a different age group.

Interestingly enough at our small group meeting Sunday evening, there were two families that absolutely LOVED the music of the morning service, and both were families that are fairly new to Community Church, and both were from the Roselawn area.

One thing I love about Community Church is that the goal is to blend the best of the old with the best of the new in regards to worship style, the goal I would guess is to give everyone in such a diverse group of people the opportunity to praise God in their own style. That didn't happen on this particular Sunday, there were no hymns sung, I get why people who are comfortable praising God thru hymns would have been disappointed.

Since we claim to be a church whose purpose is to reach out to the unsaved community, is it possible to see that no, maybe it wasn't everyone's choice of music, but if the loud rock and roll style of music reaches new families, and a younger generation that maybe it could be part of worship services in the future?

I praise God that my 20 yr old daughter has found a contemporary worship service at Moody Bible Church in Chicago, where she feels comfortable praising God in her style of worship. I don't want her to attend a church out of obligation, I want her to feel the Spirit move in her heart as she praises her God. I thank God that Kyle took a chance and introduced a different style of praising God to our church and I thank God that some of our new families really loved it.

You may not agree, but I've decided once and for all that church is not all about me...yes, I need to be fed, I want to be comfortable, and I do enjoy praising God in my chosen style of worship music on Sundays. But the goal is to reach those who do not know God, and since I know our director of arts and worship, and I know that his relationship with God is strong and that he walks close to God, I trust that his heart was in the right place when he chose the music for Sunday's worship service.

In our study of week 5 we learned about worshipping in Spirit and in Truth. In our discussion we talked about how any expression of praise should be a stirring of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. It was said that we should neither raise our hand in praise because everyone else is doing it, nor should we be afraid to raise our hand because no one else is doing it.

Father God may Community Church continue to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. I ask that you move our wants and desires out of the way, and keep our hearts and minds open to the expressions of praise in styles that we are not familiar with. You are the reason we come to church on Sunday, it's not about us, but only about you our God and Savior. Thank you for allowing us to worship with such a diverse group of believers at Community Church, where we can share and learn more about you from eachother's experiences. Continue to use us to reach out to the lost and hopeless who do not yet believe in You. In Your Son Amen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Josh at Winterfest

I think this is Joshua's "I'm a little too cool to smile" face but doesn't he look cute? His adorable escort is Lisa Heerema's daughter, Stacy, Lisa attends Wednesday morning WIW.