There are almost 50 names on the list for the 2 sessions of WIW bible study this fall, and some of the people who've talked to me aren't even on the list yet! Praise God that so many women are seeking Him thru this study.
I am so anxious to get started, I gave us a 2 week buffer after the kick start of all the other fall programs, as I know many of the study attendees are GEMS leaders and Faith Walker's teachers etc. I thought we'd give them a chance to settle into their usual routines, but now I'm just itching to get at it!
I have to share with you guys. Even during the first year Kathy started WIW Bible study, I could see a need for a night session, but there was no way I would venture out and be in charge of a night session.
Then last year, the results of our study Believing God....well, it changed some of our lives didn't it?! I know it changed mine. I will never stop beingn amazed at the way God can change MY HEART. I often hear myself saying things before I even think, that surprise me. If a friend is facing a difficult challenge, instead of venting with them, or looking for a place to lay blame over it, I'll find myself pulling something from believing God. Maybe it will be that God is trying to change something in you, or that God uses everything in our lives for a purpose, and we won't neccessarily see what that purpose was on this side of the grave, but having faith means we believe Him anyway.
This study is not about knowledge it is about relationship, and I think that is why so many women are signed up. Women I talk to are worn out of trying to be superwoman, we long to find peace and rest in God. As I look over the list of names for each study, I am giddy with the dynamics of the groups. There are 60+ year old names, and 20 somethings, and a bunch of us in between. Oh how we will share experiences, and the excitement of the new believers rubs off on the lifetimers....I'm so excited!
Okay, so back to what I wanted to share, I prayed about an evening session of WIW. My prayer was for a nice small study. I thought maybe 6 women would sign up. I know there are lots of women who work and can't come to the day session, but still, I was praying for a small intimate group, and so far the sign up sheet has more names on the night list than on the day. It's tempting to panic, but I refuse. God is giving me a spirit of enthusiasm for this study, and giving me the confidence to say, I am not afraid. I will rest in Him, He will provide whatever we need.
So I'm not getting what I wanted, but I've finally learned that God knows better than I do what is good for me, and for us. Praise Him for increasing our numbers, and may He continue to bless this study as we grow in relationship with Him.
My comfort in life and death
15 years ago
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