Just a little introduction regarding this blog. As all of you know, my dear friend Kathy Vander Tuig is on her way to California and so I begin the solo journey as WIW leader. I am blessed to have amazing women volunteering to help me, thank you so much!
First a little background on "my story" and who Kathy Vander Tuig is to me...it's time for you all to know. I grew up in a wonderful, loving CRC home. We were faithful church attenders and I loved God. I often sang in churches, and my sister used to say she could picture me being the next Amy Grant.
I will not go into details of the twists and turns my life took after I graduated from high school, got pregnant, then married, had another child, and ended up divorced, but I can tell you that all of those events left me bitter and sad, feeling worthless and far from a relationship with God.
I met and married my awesome husband Ted in 1993, and we had another child together bringing our family to 5. For more than 10 years, we bounced from church to church. Deep down I felt drawn to "church", but we never stayed at any one very long, and our lifestyle wasn't what it should have been if we were walking closely with God. Ted called it "flying under the radar". We felt obligated to go, but were unwilling serve, and get totally involved in church.
So, are you wondering what in the world I am doing leading a Bible study yet?!
God was working in our hearts all along, our kids loved youth group, VBS, Sunday School etc, and deep down Ted and I knew we were in the wrong.
We had been bouncing in and out of Community Church for some time, when one morning, there in the front of church, stood KATHY VER BEEK (Vander Tuig). Kathy had been a classmate of mine at Illiana, and I'd bet I hadn't seen her since graduation day. Kathy was the life and soul of our class. I don't know how best to describe her, but you know how she is...fun, lively, laughing, and SMART.
I was not one to walk to the front of church, but the day the Vander Tuig family was introduced, I told my family we were going to say Hi! They thought I'd lost my mind, but they came with me anyway. Clearly the Spirit was working in my heart and God had plans to unite Kathy and I in a friendship that would change the course of my entire life.
Soon after, Kathy called and invited us to small group. I had planned to make an excuse not to, but Ted said we needed to go, and we did.
Thru the last 2 years, wounds in my life were healed miraculously by God's mercy on me. Kathy and Bryan were our first friends EVER to talk openly with us about God. They started to see God working in us, and helped us to see that God loved us in spite of our serious wandering off the path of life.
Kathy asked me to facilitate a Bible study, and I said yes. She didn't know at the time, but this event changed me forever. Kathy believed in me, and in doing so, she helped me to believe in myself again.
Last night we stopped over to say goodbye to the Vander Tuigs. Oh how I will miss my buddy Kathy, and I thank God for her...well, again, I'm at a loss for words...and that doesn't happen often.
So, I go it alone for WIW, here is the good news: I have seen first hand what my life looks like without God leading me. Although today, I am sad and a little nervous about jumping into women's ministry leadership without my faithful, smart, organized, and dear friend, I know that God will provide me with all that I need to make this year great.
Excitement is already building for study in the fall.
Thank you to Gayle DeVries for helping me decide on a study:
A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place By: Beth Moore
Discover the parallels of the Tabernacle's building and your life as a chosen vessel of God. Taped in Beth Moore's home church in Houston, this updated edition of A Woman's Heart reflects not only the original study, but all that God has done in Beth's life in the past decade. Regardless of whether you studied Beth Moore's first study with LifeWay years ago - or are experiencing it for the first time - you'll find this study well worth the journey.
Check out the introduction and video clips at:
Please feel free to comment on this blog, I will be updating frequently to keep you involved in the group even when we aren't meeting.
Soon, I will be posting ways that you can help for next year. Be in prayer to see if God is leading you to volunteer in this ministry.
My comfort in life and death
15 years ago
Great job, Girl. See....you are exceling already. The blog is wonderful. Cool way to stay connected and keep abreast of what is going on. I'm excited.
Way to go Cathy! I love this and will add it to my blog roll so I can see what we will be up to this year.
I've yet to say goodbye to Kathy, Bryan and family. It is going to happen in about an hour when I bring their boys home. I can't put it off anymore. They are an amzaing family and have made an incredible impact on the ministries of our church. They will be greatly missed, but I think God is going to use this change to grow new leaders in our church...you are one of them!
I know you will do an amazing job leading this ministry! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
Thanks for your encouragement Tawnya and Gayle, it means a lot to me.
I am so excited about you keeping this going. Kathy was a big part, but you also gave alot to the class. THANK YOU!
If I can help even in a small way, like phone calls, call me.
With no church backgroud, I am very unsure of myself when discussing the bible or just finding where the chapters are is nerve racking. But I do find peace and calm when I read the bible now or do my homework.
It is powerful when the words sink in, and it make sense at the same time. Imagine that! I love all my classes, small group, and even my volunteer work, it fills you up. I usually can't wait to sing in church every Sunday, it just sets the mood. Its energizing!
WOW GIRL!! Great job. I have a hard enough time figuring out how to post on a blog let alone create a page!!! Ha! Ha! You will be an awesome leader. God has blessed you with so many gifts and leadership is one of them. You'll do great!!! I would love to help with anything. I can't wait for WIW to begin. I miss you ladies!!The study looks awesome. Well, have a great summer everyone!! Can't wait to see you all.
Oh Judith...when you say you find peace and calm when you study the Bible...I so relate to that! In my world everyone is pulling at me, everyone wants something from me. God's Word is a gift to me, my family has come to respect my Bible time, and after I study, I am better equipped to face the day. Keep in that Word girl, I will too!
Hi Shelly I miss you! Thank you for your offer to help, I think I have a volunteer for the snack calling, but I'll make sure, and let you know. Stop by church some Sunday so I can see you!
You feel ready to tackle the world after quiet time with bible. But I wish sometimes that I knew where to start, it seems like I just jump around alot.
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