Thursday, July 10, 2008

The volunteers are pouring in...

Thank you to everyone for emails and notes of encouragement, and offers to help!

Can I please ask you all to be in prayer for the right person/people to head up the childcare for WIW. Kathy managed all the child care issues the last couple of years, calling volunteers etc. Unfortunately, I work, and adding those phone calls etc to my day is not an option.

What we need:

A person, or a team of 2-4 people to find volunteers and make a schedule for child care helpers. Reminder phone calls were previously done on Monday. Also, it is nice if the bigger kids can have some type of Bible story video, or activity to do for part of the time. This person can still attend the study, they would just be in charge of getting to the nursery and making sure all the volunteers showed up etc. In my opinion a nice team of 4 women means your duty is only 1x per month, I am praying for that scenario, but if someone desires to handle it on their own, that would be great as well.

We are also in need of a person to make coffee. Last year I was the coffee maker, this year I will be setting up video equipment etc instead. Depending on how much good coffee means to you in the morning, you might want to be in prayer for that too.

Looking to next year, it has always been my passion to offer a night session of WIW Bible study. I will put out a sign up sheet at church soon to see if there is enough interest. I would facilitate that study. I'm really excited. I'm hoping to secure Tuesday nights, and stay on exactly the same schedule as the morning group, that way if you can't make a Wednesday morning, you can participate on Tuesday night.

I am still planning to facilitate a group in the morning also, which is why I am trying to pawn all the work onto everyone else. ;-)

I hope you are as excited as I am to begin the study. In the intro for "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place it says, "Discover the parallels of the Tabernacle's building and your life as a chosen vessel of God". I plan to get out my study Bible tonight and find all the passages with the word tabernacle in them. If any of you do the same, please share what you are learning about the tabernacle, if anything strikes you as interesting or new information... let us know what the Spirit is showing you.


Endurochamp said...

Hey there!! I'd be happy to make the coffee. Don't laugh but I just need directions!! We don't drink coffee at our house and when it's my turn for a holiday dinner by mom brings her pot already loaded, I just have to add the water. Take care ladies!!!

Cathy said...

Shelly you rock! Thank you! Last year I had to get there at 8:30 to have all the coffee ready on time, does that work for you?

I'll show you the ropes which is kinda scary since I don't make coffee at home either...the blind leading the blind!

Thanks so much, one less thing to worry about.

Endurochamp said...

Sounds great Cathy!! See you soon.