Tuesday, March 3, 2009

to be profoundly effective in this generation...

Wow ladies we have been challenged over and over this year thru "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place" to be profoundly effective, and in last week's video Beth Moore pointed out that God calls us to be profoundly effective in THIS GENERATION. She asked, "what are we waiting for?!" Good question.

Immediately my heart began to race, it is how I am made, give me a task, and I'll set out to accomplish something. My mind raced too, with questions; "am I doing enough? what else can I do? am I even mildly effective?".

As this idea of being profoundly effective in my generation bounced around my head the past week, God finally got thru the jumble of noise and activity that is my brain, and I think I'm finally getting a picture of what He means for me to be profoundly effective. Surprisingly it doesn't mean signing up to "do more stuff", it doesn't even mean getting a plan of action together and moving forward.

How am I going to be profoundly effective? It's easier than I oringally thought. I believe that God assigned my spiritual gifts, He thought them thru and gave certain gifts specifically to me. I can already see and believe fully that God will use everything He allows to happen in my life for His good. I believe that Jesus lives to intercede on my behalf to the Father. I believe that my past, present and future has purpose in the Kingdom of God. I will stay rooted in God's word, I will pray and fellowship with believers every chance I get. I will remain in the vine, I will ask the Holy Spirit to fill me up so that I can be a light in this dark world.

I'm re-thinking this effectiveness out...and I'm starting to see that it's not so much WHAT we do, but WHO we are. It's not about volunteering for yet another program, it's not about spending more time doing busy work. God has a plan for every moment of our day....and we won't always know when we've been "profoundly effective". If the Spirit lives in our hearts, if we are full of God's love and pouring that out onto people everywhere we go, then we are the light we are called to be.

We don't need to sit around and wait for the perfect opportunity to be profoundly effective, every moment of every day is an opportunity to let God use us to be profoundly effective in our generation, isn't that cool?!

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