People keep telling me that I am getting too involved with church activities. I find this a curious thing; that another person thinks they know what is a good balance for my life.
Teaching adult Sunday school gives me a great opportunity to grow in my relationship with God. It helps develop the skill of praying out loud, and has given me the awesome opportunity to hear testimonies of God's work in the lives of fellow believers. New friendships have developed, and relationships are growing deeper. The level of sharing is amazing, and we all learn from eachother. God blesses our conversations and we come to understand His Word more and more each week.
Facilitating Women in The Word studies has changed my daily walk with God in so many ways, I couldn't begin to list them. The fact that I now start each day talking to my heavenly Father, thanking him for everything, admitting that I mess things up, asking forgiveness and then asking the Holy Spirit to guide my every word and deed throughout the day, is enough benefit alone, but there are so many more benefits to leading this group. Again, the testimonies of the women in the 2 groups are amazing, we're all on different levels of spiritual maturity, but the common goal is to trust God fully, and to spend enough time in His Word and in prayer with Him that our hearts become fully devoted to Him. Oh and the friendships, and the laughter and the joy we share, and the tears and encouragement freely given...there is a smile spreading across my face as I type this.
Joining a new small group is kinda strange at first. It's so nice to get comfy with people you already know, but what fun it is to hear new perspectives, to learn from the experiences of others, and to develop new friendships. Small group offers another chance to spend some time thinking about God in my life. Do I live like I'm dying...what a great thing to determine before I only have 30 days left!
Three different studies, lots of homework, lots of scripture reading, lots of thinking about the answers to thought provoking questions. What a good way to spend my time.
I think back to my pre-church involvement days and wonder what I did in all that free time. It's amazing that I get everything done at my shop, in my house, and still have time to watch my kids' basketball games and enjoy family time. I believe that my priorities are finally getting in order, and at the top of that list is my relationship with God and that is growing deeper with every turn of the page in my Bible, and in the workbooks.
I have no regrets about how I spend my time. And I thank each one of you who is sharing this journey of bible study and small groups with me, you inspire me to walk closer with God.
My comfort in life and death
15 years ago
All I could say when I read this is... "Praise the Lord!" Way to be in the Word and growing oh so much, sister!
interestingly enough AFTER I posted this, our video teaching on the signifigance of the golden lamp in the tabernacle today talked about the fact that the lamp had to be tended to continually by adding "oil" in order to let the light shine in the darkness.
Likewise we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and we get filled by praying, reading scripture, and learning more about God.
Earlier in the week we were taught that the golden lampstand wasn't lit with self-consuming candles instead it was fueled with a continual supply of oil.
I've tried being a light to the world on my own strength...what a struggle, and just like the candle, it was so self consuming.
Our light comes from HIM, not from us.
I am LOVING the symbolism of the tabernacle.
I am however, missing you Miss Kathy! Love you!
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