Unconfessed sin....carrying around all my "garbage" and not giving it over to God...trying to be superwoman....over committing and then getting upset when everything isn't perfect...avoiding the truth...
Feeling overwhelmed...mourning losses...fearing change...losing sleep....giving up in defeat...
It's been an interesting morning. Yesterday at bible study a friend told me about her excellent health report from the cardiologist. This excellent report was in large part if not totally due to my friend's exercise at Curves. Praise the Lord!
It got me thinking back to maybe 5 or more years ago when I was on a health kick. I walked 4 miles at least 5 times a week, did tae bo, yoga, pilates, weight training, step aerobics, you name it in my basement too. Ate healthy. I felt amazing. I remember waking up to stiff muscles and thinking oh that feels so good! Knowing I had challenged myself and pushed myself to be healthier gave me great satisfaction.
I was thinking it's been a LONG time since I even walked around the block, probably a month. And eating healthy?.....let's just not go there okay?!
So this morning I put on some layers and what my family refers to as my "happy place hat" because it's furry and fun and every time I put it on I act like a wierdo. And I headed out to at least feel that my heart can pump blood through it.
I rounded the first corner, and tears started to stream from my eyes. Didn't even feel it coming, but there it was a little meltdown.
In yesterday's video teaching and in our 5 days of homework the idea of unconfessed sin was discussed. I wasn't sure what that meant. I think I ask for forgiveness every time I pray so I was thinking....I'm good. Until Beth Moore said something about throwing ourselves onto God. Her daughter had prayed "I offer myself to you Lord" and then realized the state she was in, and she changed that prayer to "I throw myself onto you Lord".
And then as we closed the teaching, we had a time of silent confession...Beth Moore urged us TELL GOD tell Him about your mess, tell Him who has done you wrong, tell Him how you feel, TELL HIM!
I was getting a better picture of what she meant by unconfessed sin, but I wasn't ready to face God that way. Until I left the quiet and comfort of my house this morning, and there on the road in the neighborhood I just moved to, there it was on my heart so heavy I couldn't ignore it.
All that "stuff" I hope you don't mind, I have to call it crap, it is the only word that works in this situation, just a load of crap weighing me down. Stuff I think I can deal with on my own, until it all backs up and my shoulders are so tight and my neck so stiff I could barely lift my head off my pillow this morning...felt like I had whiplash.
Have you ever had whiplash? I got it once when I was in two accidents in one day in GR Michigan. That's a story for another day. Anyway, your brain sends the message to lift your head off the pillow, but the neck muscles or the spine or whatever just simply does not cooperate, it's wierd.
So there it was pouring out of me, stuff I didn't know was bothering me.
On the surface, I am overwhelmed by too much on my calander. I was incredibly frustrated yesterday as I told the morning group that we would not meet for study the month of December and some women didn't think that was a good idea. I had spent a lot of time and made several phone calls trying to work out the best scenario, but try as I might, I can not please everyone. There are over 55 women who come to WIW and accomodating everyone's needs is overwhelming me to say the least. I practically snapped at one woman who I love very much and I hope she is reading this and accepts my sincere apology....it wasn't you Lauri, it was me...I'm truly in over my head these days.
If you had asked me yesterday, that would have been my story, I'm too busy, I'm overwhelmed, I am weak and I can't handle the responsibility.
This morning God showed me all kinds of things that are REALLY tossing around in me that I have not asked God's help with. You know the superwoman thing...I can handle it I can handle it I can handle it....maybe, but I'm not handling it well.
I'm just going to tell you some of my issues, I don't know why I am sharing this stuff but maybe someone reading this is about to explode like I am, and maybe something I say will help you see what's got you crazy and you can take it to God or throw it onto God like I did this morning.
I am missing my house. Can you believe how shallow I am? Ok, it's not the house, we lived there 14 years, it was cozy and cute and comfortable and it was HOME. I miss the hardwood floors and I miss my 50s kitchen and the 4 inch moulding...I miss it.
I don't like living in a neighborhood. I hate looking outside and seeing railroad tracks...hate it. I want to be back on the farm. I want to open a curtain and see the woods, the sky, the corn, I don't want to look at the neighbor's car and I sure don't want to hear their thumping bass music every minute...I want to hear those birds squawking at 6 am. I miss them, I miss nature, I miss the country.
I hate that my son lives in the basement. He seems to actually prefer living down there, but I hate it. It's ugly.
I hate it that there is no bedroom for my college daughter....and while we're on this subject...I hate it that she doesn't live at home anymore. I hate it that she's grown up. I hate it that I can't see her every day. I know the alternative is failure for her, I know she's succeeding in life and YES that is what I want, but I don't want to let her go. She is my baby, she is my world. When things were so very screwed up and wrong in my life her face and her smile were the ONLY thing there was to live for. I can picture her standing in front of the refrigerator 6 cracked eggs at her feet one oozing between her fingers and this look on her face saying "check this out these things are so cool!" She always made me laugh.
I could never have predicted how hard it is to let go of her. We fought most of her high school life. She is so much like me that we can't agree on anything, know what I mean?! So why is it so painful with her gone?
And then there is Ashley. The heart and soul of our family. Everyone's best friend, the cheerleader, the encourager, the sunshine every morning. The one who tells the jokes and gets the laughs, the one who cares and loves. I took her on a college visit this week. Guess what, I hate it that she's graduating. I hate it that she won't live with me either. I don't want her to go. I will miss her. It feels like my arms are being cut off. I had no idea it would feel like this.
And the baby Joshua...he's in high school. At the moment he isn't causing me too much grief, I've still got him under my wing...but don't even talk to me in a few years. I didn't sign him up for preschool until Ted MADE me do it. I doubt sending him into the world will be any easier than it is with the girls. And he's talking military after high school....yeah, let's just not even talk about that now.
My FAMILY is changing. I guess I'm having a very difficult time accepting that. I didn't realize I was, but as I got it out to God this morning, there it was, I'm scared, I'm sad, I'm helpless to stop the days from passing until we are all seperated.
The last 3 weeks have been the worst weeks in 5 years at SmartyPants. I think the recession is finally hitting us. Until this month, we had an increase from year to year. Unless there is a miracle in the next week, we will show a decrease. Who cares right? I realize that smartypants has become part of me. If it fails, I've failed. Not great thinking but there it is. I'm failing!!!!
I've had nothing but employee drama, and major mistakes have been made in pricing and dealing with customers, oh and one was stealing, that doesn't help either. I hate being the boss, I really hate firing people. I want to do nothing for a week, stay in my pajamas on the couch.
Ashley texted me asking how the store did yesterday. I told her I was ready to close it up. She said OH NO, you aren't going out like that, we don't fail mom. She's right, we don't fail. So facing the day wondering if people are going to shop is hard. Failing in business is not failing in life but I'm scared of failure. I don't want to fail. So the pressure is on to figure something out, find a way to attract customers...yeah, no easy task when the world is broke.
As I type this, I just got done ringing up a huge sale, and my customer raved about the shop on and on....thank you God for this bit of encouragement.
These things weigh on me, and this is just the tip of the iceberg....I have tried to just face them alone, you know, giving myself pep talks, yes praying about them a little, but just the surface, as if God can't see right thru me anyway, I haven't been willing to let it go. I always think I need to deal with my own crap.
I praise you God for showing me my own heart today. I know that all of this is part of your plan for me, and I believe that your plan is perfect. Yeah, I guess I'm throwing myself onto you for mercy today, and I know that you will cover me. Thank you.
My comfort in life and death
15 years ago
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